Welcome to the HHS Alumni Association!
No news, lately, other than below:
There was some delay in getting the scholarship fund in memory of Dr. Schmuckler off the ground as the family worked out details with Temple U. But it’s now airborne and officially accepting donations. Checks should be made payable to Temple University, College of Education. Include “Dr. Joe Schmuckler Fund” in the memo section. Send to:
Val Gray
Institutional Advancement
College of Education
Temple University
223 Ritter Annex
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19122.
This is a very fitting tribute to a well-loved man who devoted his adult life to science teaching and became the country’s best, publicly acknowledged. We were fortunate to attract him to our 45th for one last bit of conversational chemistry.
(Left to right) front row: Diane MacMullen Groves, Paul Groves, Ed Pacitti, Carolyn Downie, Barbara Mclaughlin, (back row): John Woodcock and Bob Vollrath
The Haverford Twp High School, Class of 1952 had their 60th reunion this fall at the Paxon Hollow Golf Club in Broomall. For the first time, they had a buffet luncheon instead of a dinner. Everyone seemed to agree that it was a good idea as we had no worries about driving home in the dark. The food was great. We had a nice turnout of 54 classmates and a total of- 85 attendees.
Ed Pacitti, Chairman, opened up the the program with a DVD of the Class of 2006 singing the National Anthem and our Alma Mater, followed by Fr. Jim Harkins offering the invocation. Class president, Dick Gray, was unable to make it so Jim Lambert read remarks that Dick had sent to him. Barbara Mclaughlin hand painted wine glasses for every classmate to take home.
Co-chairmen Ed Pacitti and Bob Vollrath did a bang-up job of orchestrating it all. Everyone wished any thanks to them and the Committee of Diane MacMullen Groves, Paul Groves, Carolyn Downie Vollrath and John Woodcock for all their hard work!
June 6, 2013
To Haverford Alumni
It is hard to believe, but I graduated 70 years ago, June 1943. I am doing good, except I can’t drive anymore. I can see to read and do anything i want, but not driving. I lived at 1205 East Darby Road and went to Brookline School and in high school we moved to Turnbull Ave. Married at Grace Chapel in October 1946. We were married for 65 years when Spencer died.
I have been living here in Glassboro since 1958. I have 2 sons and a daughter, also one grandson and one grand daughter. Neither married. My sister Doris graduated in 1949.
I also think it is interesting my father Clarence Broomall was a Haverford Township Police Officer 40 years.
I hope this makes some sense and someone remembers me. Marie Broomall
Emma Marie Broomall Ossman, 937 N Main Street, Glassboro, New Jersey,08028
‘Jersey’s Team’ raises love worth a million.
(Sally Friedman, For The Inquirer Published Wednesday, September 25, 2013)
It was just an occasional stumble, a minor misstep, nothing to worry about – at least not at first.
Jersey Brownstein, Class of Haverford 1959, with his grandchildren at the Cherry Hill finish line of the annual Bike MS:
City to Shore, 2008: “The most humbling moment for me, and the most triumphant.”
Jerald Brownstein, now 71, was just 50 then, superbly conditioned by tennis and long-distance
running. The fleeting moments of clumsiness that were tripping him up? “I just figured I was
accident-prone,” he recalls.
“But one day, my wife and I were walking together and she saw me fall on some steps. She
realized that something was wrong. I guess I did, too.”
Thus began the process of elimination, played out through battery upon battery of tests. About
six months after symptoms appeared, Brownstein had a diagnosis: primary progressive multiple
sclerosis, a more serious form of an already serious disease, one that attacks the central nervous
system and impedes the brain’s control of the body.
The onset of progressive MS was rare for someone of Brownstein’s age; it typically occurs
earlier. Yet there it was, gripping an upbeat, active, independent man at the peak of his
productivity. It would be a total life-changer – if he allowed it to be.
“I remember telling myself, even when I was newly diagnosed, that uncertainty is the norm, and
it challenges us to live well in the meantime,” he says. “I was not going to cave in to despair or
anger, or even a diminished life.”
Brownstein – call him “Jersey” – sits in the garden of his Blue Bell home on a recent day,
reflecting on the last 21 years. MS’s impact has reached beyond him to family and friends, whose
love has been worth literally a million bucks.
On Saturday and Sunday, for the 14th consecutive year, they will pedal for Jersey in the annual
Bike MS: City to Shore Ride. An expected 7,000 cyclists representing the Greater Delaware
Valley Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society will set out in Cherry Hill on the 150-
mile round trip.
Since joining the bike-a-thon, “Jersey’s Team” has raised more than $1 million in donations from
individuals, not corporations, and for that earned the Larry Kane Chairman Cup last year. (The
broadcast journalist, whose mother had MS, organized the event 33 years ago.)
This weekend, more than 100 entrants will be riding in Jersey’s name, chasing a goal of
As always, Brownstein will be waiting at the finish line, where they make sure to arrive en
“I look at that sea of riders in their bright orange and yellow T-shirts, some of them holding
hands, and I feel such gratitude and such joy,” he says. “It is the most humbling moment for me,
and the most triumphant.”
Jersey Brownstein offers what sounds like a bromide, but is in fact a fight song: “Pain is
inevitable. Suffering is a choice.”
The disease’s advance has been steady, the pain chronic, the damage to his body incrementally
worse; hence the name “primary progressive multiple sclerosis.” It has been resistant to drugs
that have sometimes been effective for the more common “relapsing-remitting” MS.
At first, Brownstein needed a cane to walk, then a two-pronged cane. He now relies on a walker,
and for longer distances, a motorized scooter.
Simple tasks like brushing his teeth are daunting.
Twice a week, he works with a physical therapist on his mobility. Sensitive to weather extremes,
he has found it helpful to swim in an indoor, temperature-controlled pool with a lift to ease him
in and out of the water.
“You do what you have to do, and for me, that means moving forward,” says a man who, once a
hoops star at Haverford High, has coached a granddaughter’s basketball team from his scooter.
He has yet to retire. He works full-time, usually at the office, sometimes from home, as chief
operating officer of the company his father founded, DSC Steel in Conshohocken, an
international distributor of steel and scrap steel. One of his three children, Lisa Goldenberg, 50,
is president.
His long career has taken him to the United Nations Office at Geneva for the State Department.
At 36, he became the youngest president of the national trade group the Association of Steel
Distributors, and represented the industry in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
He still travels, though far less. Just checking in at the airport, with his scooter, takes three hours.
Even socializing – he is an attractive, outgoing man – isn’t easy. “Dad’s visits with friends are
limited to my parents’ home, or with those who have homes equipped for handicap-access – few
and far between,” daughter Lisa says. “But my father accepts that. There is frustration, but not
His wife, the former Lynne Finkelstein, an event planner and floral designer, is reading from the
same book of life. “Together, we’ve just taken a different path from the one we expected,” she
says. “I’ve learned that, as my husband says, change is inevitable.”
But so much of it? Unrelated pancreatic surgery 11 years ago left him with diabetes. Another
change, another adaptation.
What Brownstein has learned, he shares with newly diagnosed patients, as well as friends who
seek his counsel. “What I often hear is, ‘If you could deal with this, you can guide me,’ ” he says.
His example also has impelled his family onto paths they couldn’t have imagined two decades
Daughter Andrea Rosenthal, 45, has captained “Jersey’s Team” for the last 12 years, along with
organizing the preride pep rally at the Brownstein home and finding overnight accommodations
for bikers.
Son Larry, 48, has served on the board of directors of the local chapter of the National Multiple
Sclerosis Society.
By being at his side day after day, Lisa enables her father to stay at the helm of his company.
Brownstein’s message, about the rewards of his unexpected journey, has gotten through to his six
grandchildren as well.
At 14, Rachel Rosenthal observes, “For my grandfather, having multiple sclerosis is just the way
it is.
“He teaches us to live our lives, and be grateful.”
For information on the Bike MS: City to Shore Ride for the Greater Delaware Valley Chapter of the
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, visit www.mscycling.org or call 1-800-445-2453.